Peperomia Care

Peperomia Care

There are many reasons why we love Peperomia's and why we know you'll love them too.  For starters, most of them are not drama queens.  Let me reassure you, they're not like that Maidenhair Fern that turned you off plants for a very long time. Oh no... these plump beauties, are likely to convert you back to wanting a home that resembles a jungle, in next to no time. Especially after they show you that they actually prefer a little neglect. 

So now you know that these guys aren't going to throw a tanty if you look at them the wrong way, let's now take a closer look at what they love, so you can ensure they not only survive, but also thrive.

💧 How often to water your Peperomia

You may have noticed, Peperomia have an abundance of leaves that are plump and lush.  That's because they hold loads of water in their leaves.  Which is great if you're someone who forgets to water your plants, as these guys prefer for their soil to dry out in between watering.  But not all the way down - so make sure the soil doesn't go bone dry before you give them another drink. There is an exception to this though. In my experience, Peperomia Watermelon prefer to dry right out before being rewatered. Just don’t leave them really dry for a long time. 
Peperomias will wilt if you’ve left it too long, but should perk up once watered - unless you’ve left it an eternity. 

Peperomia's have tiny roots, which means that too much water surrounding them, will likely lead to root rot.  This is easy to avoid if you let the soil dry out, in between watering.  Push your finger into the soil and check that the soil is not just dry on the top, before you give them another drink.  You can also gauge this, by taking notice of the weight of the pot after a water and again when it's dry but still damp a little way down the pot.  It should feel much lighter when it needs a drink. 

The more light a plant receives, the more frequently they will require a drink. 

 How much light do Peperomia's need?

Peperomia's prefer a room with bright indirect light and they definitely don't like sun on their leaves. They are fine to be facing a window, but ensure that they are far enough back from the window, so that the sun doesn't hit their leaves. Whilst they can tolerate lower light, this will slow their growth and can alter their colour. 

They make the perfect office plant as they can even grow under fluorescent lighting. Read more about lighting and plant care here

What soil do Peperomia's like?

As mentioned earlier, these don't like to sit in wet soil for prolonged periods.  The soil needs to be free draining and ideally these should be in a pot with drainage.  A mix of soil that is 1/3 perlite to 2/3 potting mix, will be just perfect.  If you are worried that you may continue to overwater these, you can also mix a a small handful of cacti and succulent mix soil into the pot, to increase the ability for water to drain away. 

Make them SUPER happy...

Sometimes plants need more than just light and water.  We recommend Groconut for it's amazing growth stimulant super powers.  They will also require some houseplant food during the growing season - an all round fertiliser will do the trick. Just ensure that you dilute to the instructions on the pack as it can be too much of a good thing if not diluted correctly. 

What is wrong with my Peperomia? Watch for these signs, as they're easy to fix

When Peperomia leaves curl, drop, wilt or turn yellow

You may need to put your detective hats on to determine the root cause, but usually it's due to either the room temperature, lighting, watering, or a nutrient deficiency.

Given we've looked at lighting and watering above, let's now look at the other factors.

Temperature: Most houseplants prefer a consistent room temperature, so avoid large fluctuations.  Extremes in temperatures can occur through the use of your heating - log burners and heatpumps in particular, will dry out the air and alter the temperature, sometimes considerably. Ideally, houseplants like a temperature range between 12-24.  So consider moving your plants to achieve this where possible. 

Nutrient deficiency: Peperomias (especially Watermelon Peperomias) need more calcium to thrive.  You will typically see the leaf edges looking jaggered in shape and not round if there is a calcium deficiency.  You can sprinkle a small amount of dolomite lime on top of the soil before watering and then water the lime into the soil.  Avoid getting the lime on the leaves, or wash it off when watering. 

Are Peperomia's toxic to cats and dogs?

I'm pleased to let you know, these are safe for your inquisitive fur babies.  It's often hard to find a plant that isn't toxic if ingested, but Peperomia's are your friend, or should I say, your fur babies friend.

I hope you now feel confident to take control and know what your Peperomia needs.  Our goal is to make plant care easy.  Why? Because we've been there and have also felt overwhelmed and like it's all too hard. You can read our story here.

Check out our current range of Peperomia's below and sign up to our email to stay in the loop.  We would love for you to flick us a message and let us know if this has helped you on your plant journey. 

If you've read this far, we think you're a legend and now have the intel you need to own a Pep, like a boss. 

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