Why Choose Us?

We are as passionate as you when it comes to all things plants! But we also understand just how confusing the plant world is, as we've been there ourselves. Here’s our story:
It all started with a Peace Lily…
I’d finally found a plant that didn’t overwhelm me and kinda told me what it needed. Sure, it was a bit like a teenager, it could be dramatic and happy all in one day, but it never spoke back! Instead, it made me feel like, “I’ve got this,” when I’d sussed what it needed and it continued to thrive. Yeah it had up and down days, but always perked back up when I took the time to care - and it didn’t take much.
Back then, I worked a busy corporate role which involved a commute to a city centre office. A beautiful brand new space, but it was stark and not serene like I dreamt my home would be…the day I could keep more than one plant alive.
But that was back then. I now live in a home that to be fair, is a bit of a jungle. I walk out of my home office or through the front door after working within those corporate office walls, into a space that makes me feel proud. Proud because I don’t live in a house, I live in a home. A home I’ve created through research, trial and error. A home that’s bursting with life and greenery and it brings me so much joy to know that it’s me who has created it. I’m finally not throwing money down the toilet every time I buy a plant. I “get” them all, and know their little personalities. Some still act like toddlers and have tantys from time to time, but I quickly put them in their place. It’s me who’s now in control.
So you see, it was a no brainer when naming my new houseplant business. It had to have ”Lily” in the title. And, the Lily Pot was born.
My number one goal is to share my knowledge with others and show them that they too can have a jungle they’re proud of. They too, can stop throwing money into a pit, have thriving plants and know what they need and when. They too, can turn their house into a home and feel the calm in their busy lives, the moment they step inside.
We are different to the others. We don’t just sell you plants, we are there for you when you need advice. Our after care service is completely free and we have many repeat customers as a result.
They have joined our community and their plants are not only surviving, they’re thriving. If I can do it, I know you can too and I’d love to help you.
Reach out anytime. I’ve got ya back ❤️
(Plant mumma, mumma to 3 humans and self-confessed crazy plant lady!)

When you buy from us, you join a community that cares, and you deal with an actual "human" ...me!
Chontelle x